E. Vin and A. Boujraf. SIMOGGA, The user-friendly solution to optimize and analyze the factories layout using genetic algorithms. In CIE45 world symposium October 2015, France. in press.
E. Vin and A. Delchambre. Generalized cell formation: iterative versus simultaneous resolution with grouping genetic algorithm. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Online access, 2013.
E. Vin and A. Delchambre. Comparison between Simultaneous and Iterative Resolutions for Generalized Cell. In INCOM12. Mei 23 – 25, 2012, Bucharest, Roumanie, 2012.
E. Vin, P. Francq, and A. Delchambre. A Generalized Cell Formation Problem Solved by an Adapted GGA. In MOSIM10 world symposium. Mei 10 – 12, 2012, Hammamet, Tunisie, 2010.
Emmanuelle Vin, Pascal Francq and Alain Delchambre. An adapted Genetic Algorithm to solve Generalized Cell Formation, in 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Elsevier., 2009
Emmanuelle Vin, Pascal Francq and Alain Delchambre. A Double Grouping Problem in Generalized Cell Formation Solved Simultaneously by an Adapted Grouping Genetic Algorithm (SIGGA), in Symposium on Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing GT/CM09, 2009 – Meilleur article doctorant.
Emmanuelle Vin, Pascal Francq and Alain Delchambre. Grouping Genetic Algorithm (SIMOGGAs) Simultaneously to Solve Two Grouping Problems Applied to the Cell Formation Problem with Alternative Process Plans. In Proceedings of Group Technology/Cellular Manufacturing (GTCM06), Groningen, Pays-Bas, 2006.
Emmanuelle Vin, Pierre De Lit and Alain Delchambre. A Multiple Objective Grouping Genetic Algorithm for the Cell Formation Problem with Alternative Routings. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 16(2): 189-206, 2005.
Emmanuelle Vin, Pierre De Lit and Alain Delchambre. Une Approche Intégrée pour Résoudre le Problème de Formation des Cellules de Production avec des Routages Alternatifs. Dans les actes de la 4e Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et de Simulation (MOSIM’03), 2003.
Emmanuelle Vin, Pierre De Lit and Alain Delchambre. A New Combined Approach to Solve the Cell Formation Problem with Alternative Routings. In Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems (ACS’2002), Production System Design, Management and Logistics, volume 1, pages 43-50, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2002.